Fabulous Flash!
Firstly thanks to everyone who has considered Platform as a home for their writing. We have been inundated with subs from all around the...
Spring...has sprung into life: Our new collection has arrived!
Spring has definitely been in the air over the last week at Platform HQ. We know that our response time has been somewhat longer than...
Coming up!
We're coming up... for air! We've had a hugely busy start to 2017 but we're now able to breath again we're about to launch our first...
Merry Christmas!
The festive season is well underway at Platform HQ! We've launched our newest collection this evening - one short story and two flash...
Platform moving to open access
Platform has now been up and running for eighteen months and we've decided that it's time to share the writing on our site with anyone...
Signed up to Platform yet?!
If you're not already signed up to platform what are you waiting for?! Our readership continues to grow with over 300 members from around...
New to Platform: The Vault
We've added a new section to our website. We've called it The Vault. And if you're signed up to Platform it's where you''ll be able to...
Read what you like, like what you read...
You may (we hope!) have noticed that we've made some improvements to the way readers can interact with Platform authors in response to...
Write what you know
If you've visited our writing page recently you'll have seen that we've just published a piece called Pigeon Blood, by Kerry Barner. We...
Reading aloud
You can now follow Platform on Soundcloud where you'll soon be able to hear a selection of our short stories. Check out our profile:...