We're a Long time GONE...
...but we're back! Finally out of hibernation but staying at home of course. Our hiatus only started out as a ‘small break’.....and then six months later......
It wasn’t planned, nor was it intentional. Life just, well you know, got in the way. You could say we were distracted. Small matters like demanding jobs and trying to move house - those things that tend to consume you whilst you’re not looking. But still, we have now re-emerged intact and are determined to make Platform better than ever before.
The good news is that despite our own lack of productivity we have received more submissions than ever. Thank you to you all - as we have said before, whilst in an ideal world we would communicate with you all individually, capacity wise we are just unable to do so. Not ideal, we realise, but that is the reality! If you haven't heard back please assume your piece wasn't quite the right fit for us. Also assume that we are grateful to you for considering Platform as a potential home for your writing. We are. Very much so.
So, we're calling our next feature 'The Lockdown Edit' ( predictable perhaps but forgive us) featuring three flash pieces that stood out for us as short reads that pack a punch. We think you'll enjoy them too. We know you will. As with all the writing on our site please do feel free to leave constructive comments when you read something you enjoy. As we know ourselves, part of the joy of writing is sharing with others and we know that our contributors appreciate reading your comments.
Stay safe everyone and we hope you enjoy 'The Lockdown Edit' that will be ready to feature on the site very soon. Once again thank you for your support for Platform and keep the submissions coming!