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Of Illness and Longing
SD Brown
Peppered sunlight falls and settles
like blown mist.
The sticky air seeps through cocked and cracked
windows catches, glaring fierce in flakes and
moments; swarming heat.
Through Amos drops of illness and longing,
heavy and bleak draw nails and
tears, holding words rolled loosely in the
palm of a hand, clipping the clutch of such
tears on to the bend of a knuckle; the book
falls silent while he threads the phrase,
like a stitch into patchwork, to unravel
in a quiet space between illness and longing.
S.D.Brown is a writer of short fiction and poetry from the UK whose work has previously been published in The New Writer amongst others.
previous reviews & comments:
‘I think it is beautifully written and has a real human feel to it that is very relevant in these Covid19 days. Lovely simple language reflecting the thoughts and emotions of everybody who has been touched by this horrible virus. I hope more follow this one because this one is absolutely lovely.’ `Jilly Henderson-Long, March 2021
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